
Seatech provides complete end to end support in the areas of Advisory Services, Investigation, Surveys and Arbitrations

Maritime Advisory Services

Our experienced maritime advisory team provides cost-efficient and safe solutions for all aspects of marine operations and offshore activities. Our marine advisors, comprising of senior industry experts with vast experience, are able to provide a complete solution for marine issues.

Maritime Investigation Services

Our qualified maritime team provides an independent Maritime Investigation Service. The service operates to the highest standards of evidence collection and handling, witness statement and expert witness submissions to business organizations, clients, courts and arbitration centres.

Maritime Survey Services

Our experienced maritime survey team holds a wide portfolio of conducting inspection and surveys of marine vessels and cargo to assess, monitor and report on their condition.

Claims, Arbitration & Litigation

With our years of legal knowledge and research skills, we provide quality legal services for expert evidence in courts, arbitration and mediation to protect our clients and their investments in resolving matters. We also specialize in Average Adjusting Services including General Average, Particular Average, Sue & Labour and Salvage.